Tekmar Boiler Control-Four tN4, BAS, Four Boiler, DHW & Setpoint
Tekmar Boiler Control-Four tN4, BAS, Four Boiler, DHW & Setpoint
The Boiler Control 284 is designed to operate up to four boilers
to accurately maintain a target water temperature. The 284 operates both
condensing and non-condensing boilers that are either modulating, single
stage or two stage to provide a flexible, cost effective mixed boiler plant
solution with better system performance. The target water temperature is
based on outdoor temperature reset or a fixed setpoint for space or process
heating applications. Additional loads supplied by the 284 include domestic
hot water & fixed setpoint heating. Boiler equal run-time rotation,
stand-by primary pump operation & pump exercising all increase boiler
plant reliability. The 284 communicates with a Building Automation System
(BAS) using BACnet® or Modbus ® for remote monitoring & adjustment
capability. tekmarNet® Thermostats or a tN4 Gateway 485 can be added to
optimize system performance and provide remote monitoring capability.
- Outdoor temperature reset, programmable schedules
- tekmarNet® 4 compatible, control up to four boilers
- Condensing and non-condensing boiler groups, modulating, single stage or two stage
- BACnet® or Modbus ® communication, primary pump sequencing
- DHW priority
- Setpoint operation
- Combustion air damper control
- Energy, flow and pressure monitoring
- Boiler Isolation Valves
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